2200 -year -old Chinese burial unveils women with poisonous red stained teeth
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2200 -year -old Chinese burial unveils women with poisonous red stained teeth

The remains of a woman have been found in a funeral in China, which is quite shocking. A red colored substance found in the woman’s teeth. This substance is poisonous and made by mixing mercury and sulfur. The tombs are 2200 and 2050 years old, found in the city of Turipan city Xinjiang. Archaeological experts have identified that these remains are included in the people of Gushi. Gusis is known for mounted cultures.

The importance of colored teeth with Sinabar in ancient societies has never been written before. It is in archaeological and ethnographic science Study Has been published. The survey says that this is the first event when a snake is found in teeth. According to Kian Wang, a professor at the Biomedical Sciences of the Texas A&M University College of Dentist, no such trend has been seen in any other ancient grave practice worldwide.

This red substance in the teeth was analyzed with the spectrum. Analysis has shown that it contains a snubber with an animal protein. It is possible to facilitate egg yolks or a protein like the egg whites that can be used to facilitate the snubber process in it.

However, this red substance could be planted in the teeth because it has not yet been cleaned. Experts believe that it can be related to cosmetics, social location or canopy. Other buried remnants in this region have found evidence of paintings and tattoos on the face, which reflect the possibility of widespread traditions of decorating the body.

Naturally, cinema reserves are not found in the cinema’s Xinjiang region. Which means that this substance was probably imported from West Asia, Europe or other parts of China. There may also be some health risks from Mercury. It can damage the nervous system. However, this damage was not found in the bones of the female remnant.

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