Know my 14 kg weight loss experience in just 8 weeks. (Part 2)

My Experiences

Dear Dream Warriors, I hope your struggle to build physical fitness continues. An important question has been asked by many people in the last few days – that is, how to diet with normal food?? Lets Know my 14 kg weight loss experience in just 8 weeks.

For those who are busy at the beginning, let me tell you:

Very brief summary

Do not eat “Chica”. Chi te sugar (sweets, cakes, pastries, etc.), Ka te carbohydrates (rice, bread, etc.).

Eat “samas”. (S=vegetables, ma=fish/meat, sa=salad)

If you remember “Chica” and “Samas” you will remember this diet.


I live in Japan myself, the quality of food here is very good and everything you want is available. Almost everything is available in Bangladesh, but sometimes not easily available and expensive. Also, I won’t be living in Japan forever, so I have a headache about what to eat back home. Trouble is, I don’t have the experience and knowledge of diet planning in desi food, so I am reminded of my mother – who has been working as a physical fitness professional for the past twelve years. Mom combined her own experience with the advice of various nutritionists to make this diet plan based on desi food. has done, which I am sharing.

A sample diet for a day is basically like this:

Diet from mom:

  • Wake up in the morning and drink a glass of lemon water without sugar.
  • Breakfast: Oatmeal with a glass of warm milk, a banana, an egg. Alternatively, you can have a whole wheat bread with bran, a boiled egg, cooked in very little oil as per your appetite.
  • (Better without oil) Vegetables. Eating boiled vegetables is better. You can also eat fresh salad instead of vegetables (chopped cucumber, tomato, carrot, broccoli, cabbage, lettuce etc.). Eat full, breakfast is very important – it can be said that it is the most important meal of the day. It is better to have breakfast between seven and nine in the morning.
  • Then eat an apple/guava/orange or any native fruit (pepay, kamaranga, safeda- seasonal fruits) around eleven o’clock in the afternoon.
  • Before having lunch, mix two spoons of isabgul husk and a lemon chip in a glass of water and eat it. And for lunch eat salad (as in morning) / mixed vegetables (boiled or cooked in little oil) / local vegetables and also a piece of fish / chicken. If it is cooked with broth at home/meal, don’t eat the broth, take the fish/meat and eat it. Do not eat potatoes. It is better to have lunch between one and two in the afternoon.
  • Have an apple/guava or canned water as an afternoon snack around five o’clock.
  • Have dinner between seven and eight in the evening. The menu is one/two pieces of chicken, mix vegetables and salad.
  • Drink a glass of milk if you feel hungry before going to bed at night. If skim milk is not available, you can make skim milk yourself by keeping normal milk in the fridge and discarding the curd/nani that collects on top.
  • And yes, like the beginning of the day, drink lemon mixed with warm water at night too.
  • At least two liters of water throughout the day must!!! with adequate rest (5-8 hours)

As a fitness instructor, my mother is incredibly strict—her students treat her like a peer. The above guidelines are pretty strict even for me – but I have a record of losing over thirty kilos in a year following this plan. Along with the diet, you must do thirty minutes to an hour of sweaty exercise (running, exercise at home, gym-whichever benefits, just sweat it).

I pretty much followed these guidelines myself. Since I do strength training and martial arts, I used to eat more meat or fish than usual. I used to have breakfast in Petpur, the rest of the meals of the day were not measured according to such rules. Water mixed with lemon juice or fruit as an occasional snack in big mills – I couldn’t measure everything with a scale like this.

By looking at the above guidelines, you will get an idea, adjust it according to your situation and eat accordingly, that is the purpose of this writing.


  1. I assume you are a healthy, normal person with no major medical conditions. Every person’s body is different, their needs are not the same. In any particular situation
    (Pregnancy, injury, heart disease, etc.) Strictly prohibit dieting without the advice of doctors, nutritionists and dieticians.
  2. I am not a doctor or a nutritionist. The methods I follow in this series have worked for me, but that doesn’t mean it’s a panacea. If your doctor’s or nutritionist’s advice conflicts with these methods, be sure to take their advice.
  3. 3) Do not ask me questions that doctors, professional trainers or dieticians should ask. I am not willing to endanger you by giving you doctor-like advice about things that are beyond my knowledge.

Pre workout meal:

Eat a medium-sized banana shortly before starting exercise – you won’t see anything after an hour and a half of vigorous exercise. If you exercise on an empty stomach without eating anything, there is a possibility that you will feel dizzy.

Warm up for weight loss

Warm up and stretching: 

Be sure to warm up and stretch before exercising. I have attached the picture for how to do it. Warm up for five to ten minutes. Remember, exercising without warming up and stretching can lead to injury, skipping it is dangerous.

My Weight loss experience

High Intensity Interval Training:

Let’s start with the simplest and most powerful method: High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). This system has the ability to make you sweat in a short time.

Its rules are hidden in the name of this system. High intensity means very intense, interval means break. HIT is a system of short bursts of intense exercise with short breaks.

If the opportunity exists, my first recommendation is sprint-training.

  • First 2 minutes: Jogging slowly
  • Next 1 minute: Run or sprint with all your body strength
  • Next 2 minutes: Jogging
  • Next 1 minute: Run with all your might
  • Next 2 minutes: Jogging
  • Then 1 minute: All-out sprint
  • Next 1 minute: Jogging

The ten minute plan above – I do two sets of it per day. Sweat comes out like rain from the body in total twenty minutes. If you have a place to run around (even a street or alley) – do two sets of five minutes on the first day. Do it slowly for twenty minutes.
Trust me, it works like magic.

Three Hundred Workouts for Men:

This is my absolute favorite workout routine. Seen the movie “Three Hundred” starring Gerard Butler about Spartan warriors? This exercise series has to be completed by performing various exercises like squat, push-up, plank etc. in three sets. I do it myself, and if done right, this series will leave you wanting to cry. You can’t do 300 workouts perfectly on the first day, but start and improve as much as possible.

300 workout for men

Lara Croft Workout For Women:

I got this great workout routine from a website called Darby. This workout series is tailored for girls, based on the exercises designed for Lara Croft in the movie “Tomb Raider” starring Angelina Jolie. Same instructions for you, go slowly as far as you can, try to build up. It won’t be perfect overnight – but you have to keep trying. Image attached below.

Lara Croft Workout For Women

Post Workout Match:

Eat protein food, a piece of fish or meat. Drink plenty of water, you can eat saline.

Having done each of the above workouts myself, I know they work. This article is meant to give a beginner level idea about exercise, apart from these methods there are thousands of ways to exercise. Many go to the gym and work out with professional trainers – many do weight lifting and strength training. Some do mixed martial arts. It is best to go to the gym under the supervision of an experienced trainer.

In addition to the above exercises, try to keep yourself active, take the stairs instead of the elevator – walk instead of taking a rickshaw or car for short distances. Wherever you can get some physical activity – do it!

Please don’t give the excuse that you don’t have time. You are not Barack Obama, nor Vladimir Putin – both of whom exercise regularly. Physical exercise will directly refresh your brain, reduce your age, and shatter depression or stress.

Physical exercise is not a luxury, it is the greatest investment of your life. Make this investment at least five days a week and your life will change – as it did mine.

Sugar is the enemy of weight loss

My first memory with sweets is probably at the age of three. Mom told me to cook pies and eat them, I was turning away.

The sweet that is liked, has not yet been loved. Pandasandesh from Rajshahi Confectionery, Sarpuria from Satkhira Ghosh Dairy, Motichur Laddu from Banful Confectionery in Chittagong, Rabri (with Parota) and Balusai from Vikrampur Confectionery in Dhaka, and sugarcane molasses that can be stolen if you can’t find anything anywhere- AH!!!!

Sugar is the enemy of weight loss

There is nothing wrong with having a piece or two of sweets now and then. My problem was elsewhere. For the first year in Japan, my average daily intake of sweets was:

  1. One liter of coke
  2. Two regular cheesecakes/chocolate pastries/brownies
  3. A rice pudding with whipped cream
  4. Mango flavored ice cream
  5. Five KitKat bars
  6. Two Snickers bars
  7. Two packets of M&M chocolates (as cookies)
  8. Lachi with ice cream from Sunny Bhai shop (after Biryani)
  9. Mango/strawberry flavored beer (alcohol content 3-5%, sugar content remaining)

I used to eat the above items every day, and if I missed even one of them, I felt like I didn’t eat. The weight was over 150 kg, is it so???

After embarking on my physical fitness journey, I discovered that this “I eat as much as I want” response is not unique to me, it is very common – and there is a perfect scientific explanation behind it. In very brief, simple terms this vicious cycle can be explained in the following few steps:

Step 1: Take three instead of one from the plate of chocolate brownies placed next to the food plate and stuff them in your mouth. With great happiness you feel like you are getting heaven with your tongue (Aha!)

Step 2: As soon as you put the brownie in your mouth, the brain releases a hormone called dopamine (this is the feel-good hormone, you’ll get a mildly intoxicated type of pleasure). The blood sugar level rises, and the body’s pancreas releases insulin to control this sugar level.

Step 3: As excess insulin enters the blood, two things will happen – 1) fat will accumulate in the body’s fat cells and 2) excess blood sugar levels will drop.

Step 4: As the sugar level plummets, the body will crave two more chocolate brownies to make up for that lack. Looking around, you gobble up the remaining chocolate brownies on the plate – Ah, heaven revisited and repeat the previous three steps!! !

The Masroufi gist of the above words (meaning what I understand) is, “Want to be a Sumo Palawan? Eat more sugar!”

If you exercise as much as you want, you have no chance of turning from sumo to samurai if you don’t cut out sugar and carbohydrates.

While doing counter terrorism short course in Sylhet, Major Manzoor and Major Ashraf sir made my life a fried bay leaf. I jumped from the helicopter with their blessings, but I could not lose weight.

How to reduce? If someone eats three plates of rice and seven glasses of special sugar lemon syrup in the dining hall, even the father of commando training cannot lose weight.

Want to lose weight? Want to be a samurai from sumo? The first step is to cut out all the sweet stuff. The definition of sweet is that anything sweet on the tongue is sweet, be it fruit or a special recipe of chicken cooked with honey. If its sweet, its not your food.

If you can’t at all, eat a piece or two of sweet fruit (apple, papaya, etc.).

Know my 14 kg weight loss experience in just 8 weeks. (Part 1)

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