Designer Githika Naidu is looking for a pashminar ride from Ladak to Bengaluru
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Designer Githika Naidu is looking for a pashminar ride from Ladak to Bengaluru

Githika Naidu’s first collection of Bengaluru-based designer, Heritage, a rich landscape of wool, breath, and an ood of Heritage Tiha. The use of pashminar gives a glimpse of the region’s rich, traditional fibrous crafts.

The collection was inspired by a deep curiosity to understand the uniqueness of the fiber and the life of the passenger and the life of the traveling community. It was created to honor their lives and brings their story to the foremost by design.

Pashm includes Trench coats, long vest dresses, pleated skirts and fitted blazer jackets, Pashminaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

From the collection of fur.

From the collection of fur. , Photo Credit: Guru

Talking to Geithika from his studio in Mathicar in Bengaluru, it seems like the enhancement of his collection from the wall to a weaving, from the wall to the wall, where the visitors can get a glimpse of his collection as well as the life of Ladakh.

AME Design Studio.

AME Design Studio. , Photo credit: special arrangements

In detail about the collection, the Gethika Pashminar discovered the attractive journey-the high-height landscapes of Leh in his studio in Bengaluru.

Pashmina goat's free pasture.

Pashmina goat’s free pasture. , Photo credit: special arrangements

Grand Strand

The story of the Pasmina starts from the strong Himalayas in the middle of the rage of Khonk, 5 feet above sea level. Here, a small communication of the traveling feathers is tend to be rare and unique goats for generations, excluding their sheep and yak shakes.

In the winter of the Himalayan winter, changing goats grow a warm undercoat – a soft protective layer that holds their hard months. “This is the best Kashmir in this protective layer,” says Githika.

The internal Uncot has been carefully provided by traveling.

The internal Uncot has been carefully provided by traveling. , Photo credit: special arrangements

At the beginning of the summer, the internal undercoat is carefully chopped and cut off by traveling, releasing their winter growth animals. “This whole process is proof of mutual bond between feathers and their floors; the feathers care the animals, who supplies them with wool.” This is a cycle that is deeply involved in the priest tradition of Ladakh.

Once the fiber has been collected, it is cautiously cleaned from any debris or stray hair, ensuring that only the best wool remains. However, what was the manual process using the old methods of age once, was replaced by the technical pioneer.

“Today, the raw wool travels to the processing units in Srinagar, where the machine makes the cleaning process less laborator can harvest about 300-400 grams of wool from a single goat, but once processed, which is left is about 60 grams of soft wool.

It cannot be immediately extinct, but in the future of life we ​​are seeing it happen, at least traveling life, Geithika says.

It cannot be immediately extinct, but in the future of life we ​​are seeing it happen, at least traveling life, Geithika says. , Photo credit: special arrangements

After cleaning, it is found after the wool to the craftsmen, where it is painted and separated on the fine strand. “Each thread is then cut by hand, carrying the warmth and essence of the land that comes from it.” The dition is transferred to the latter to paint the wool natural color. “For the fur, Each piece is symbolic of our style and is made in natural colors that resonate with today’s global clothing.


However, in the western world, the luxury of luxury is at the doorstep of lifting. “Now that the city life is pointing, we can see that many travelers have left their ancestral houses. Their needs have changed; they want their kids to get an education and get a job in the city.”

So, what is left is the old generation, fighting to save the craft. “It may not be immediately extinct, but it will be in the future of life. Even if people start lagging behind these goats, the height creates a variety of height, because it affects the quality of fiber.

“As a designer we can do a job that brings awareness through our products; customer must know these stories to survive craft. For this collection, we have encouraged Wool from directly to travel

Each piece of fur is a reflection of the journey from Leh to Leh and which he spent with the travelers. “When I imagined this collection, I didn’t just want to relay to books and research, so we decided to travel there. The biggest challenge was to contact the height and the travelors. We were fortunate enough to be acceptable for their contact and the time I spent with these families was mirrored in my collection.”

“The most beautiful part of the furWhat did it begin as a textile recipe from a more spiritual journey in the oral history of life. These are the stories that need to be shared outside the valley; Only then can we help preserve this ancient craft. ”

Pashom is currently available at AME Design Studios in Mathic. Prices start from 1 lakh.

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