What behaviors do children alert suicide symptoms refer to complete articles in Hindi
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What behaviors do children alert suicide symptoms refer to complete articles in Hindi

Nowadays, the tendency for suicide among youth is showing abundance. According to a report published in the United States, the 12 -year seminar of Southport filed a report of sexual harassment with her at the police station some time ago. After that, he died in the hospital due to fatal overdose drugs. Cheltenham’s 48 -year -old mother Ellen Room is seeking answers from social media companies. He feared that his 14 -year -old son, Juls Swinni killed himself in 2022 because of the ‘online challenge’.

Lancashire’s 23 -year -old mother -in -law, Ryan Wellings, committed suicide in 2022 after faceing domestic misconduct in 3022. A court heard this week. The biggest killing of people under the age of 35 is more than 200 teenagers killed every year due to suicide and suicide. What can we do as parents? If we suspect that our child’s suicide thoughts are coming to mind, how should we find this thing?

According to the Childline Director Shan Frame, if the child’s mind comes to mind, you can know these 7 ways.

May stop meeting with your friends or stop doing the work they usually like

Talk about feeling sad, sad or disappointed

Start the dangerous tasks like taking drugs or drinking alcohol.

Give someone your thing.

Stop taking care of yourself — for example they can stop bathing as before or take care of their presence.

Also read: Can board exams affect children’s mental health twice a year?

Searching Google or reading about this thing may take your life.

‘All this will end soon’, ‘It would be better for me to die,’ I want to be here right now ‘or’ nobody will miss me ‘.

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