Cancer be like a common disease after 10 years because learning the reason for reading the full article in Hindi
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Cancer be like a common disease after 10 years because learning the reason for reading the full article in Hindi

Cancer is one of the main causes of global death, about 1 million deaths have occurred in 2021. One of the six deaths is the most common cancer, breast, lungs, mouth cancer and rectal and prostate cancer. About a third of cancer deaths are caused by the use of tobacco, due to high body months index, drinking, low fruits and lack of vegetables and physical activity.

Air pollution is also an important risk for lung cancer. Cancer infections, such as human papillomavirus (HPV) and hepatitis, are responsible for cancer cases in lower and lower-me-me-melodious countries. Many cancers can be cured if it is quickly known and effectively treated.

Cancer is still a major cause of global death. The number of cancer cases around the world has increased. However, even after cancer treatment, if a person survives for more than 10 years, his chances of death are reduced. They do it in the first two years after treatment. Five years later, the chances of withdrawal of cancer have decreased even more. However, some cancer may return after many years of treatment.

Cancer is treated in various ways such as surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy and target drugs. The type of treatment used for the treatment of cancer depends on the type of cancer and its spread.

To avoid cancer
To avoid cancer, they are often based on the rate of 5 years of survival. If you have been fully good for 5 years or more, some physicians can say that you’ve got cured.

Causes of Cancer Risk
Cancer risk factors include the use of tobacco, alcohol intake, unhealthy diet, physical inaction, air pollution and some chronic infections.

To prevent cancer
You stop smoking, maintain healthy weight, be safe in the sun, less alcohol.

Some methods used for the treatment of cancer:

Chemotherapy is used to destroy cancer cells. Chemotherapy is the main treatment for blood cancer and some types of cancer.

Some cancer is treated through surgery.

Cancer cell
Radiation therapy is used to kill cancer cells or prevent them from growing.

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Biological treatment

The body’s own prevention system is used to kill cancer cells.

After the treatment of cancer, these measures can be taken to stay healthy: eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, practice regularly.

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