Do not hold cold and cough during the changing season, so take these superfoods to increase immunity
During the winter season, you need to take care of your health. Because of some irritation you get cold cough and cold national problems. It is very important to strengthen immunity to keep yourself healthy this season. Because when your immunity is strong, seasonal diseases reduce the risk and you will be healthy. However, many take many types of drugs to strengthen immunity. However, these drugs can damage your body.
Eat garlic
This season, taking garlic activates resistant cells such as macrophages, lymphocytes, psychic killer cells, which improve immunity. Garlic allicin, which is an anti-microbial agent, heals many diseases. If you crash garlic before eating, the amount of allicin present in it increases.
In the changing season, the more yellow you consume, the more comfortable you will. The cricket present in the yellow is rich in anti-microbial properties. Immune cells such as B-cell, T-cell, macrophage, etc., strengthen immunity.
Nuts should be eaten in hot, changing seasonal, because healthy fat creates great alternatives for winter. It keeps the body warm from the inside and gives strength to the body. It strengthens an extraordinary immunity rich in vitamins, minerals, calcium, iron and nutrients.
Vitamin C rich fruits need to be taken to avoid diseases in the changing season. Anti-oxidants present in it and polyphenol resistance help in the formation of cells.