Ammonia gas leaked in Jaipur Rajasthan | Ammonia Gas Leaked in Jaipur: More than 6 school children became unconscious at the prayer meeting; Gas leakage from CFCL plant
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Ammonia gas leaked in Jaipur Rajasthan | Ammonia Gas Leaked in Jaipur: More than 6 school children became unconscious at the prayer meeting; Gas leakage from CFCL plant

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Ammonia gas leaked near Chambal Fertilizer and Chemicals Limited (CFCL) plant at Gadepan at Simalia Police Station in Jaipur. Because of this, at least 16 students of public schools were injured on Saturday, February 15.

Suddenly disturbance at the prayer meeting

When the students were standing in the school premises in the morning prayer meeting, the intense smell of gas spread. Many students had trouble breathing, and some became unconscious and some started nausea. It caused panic among the students and employees of the school.

According to villagers and school officials, gas leaks from CFCL plants deteriorate the health of children.

Six students have mentioned the quota

Six students have also been transferred to Kotar JK Loan Hospital for further treatment. In addition, three teachers have also been deployed to monitor the condition of the affected children for the next three days.

Media channel officials say the incident is being closely monitored and its investigation is also underway. Strict action will be taken if the company is considered responsible for neglect.

The condition of the affected children will be monitored for the next three days.

The condition of the affected children will be monitored for the next three days.

Lok Sabha Speaker also interrogated the incident

Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla also adopted knowledge of the incident and instructed the administration to provide proper treatment for the affected students. Officials said that 16 students who were unconscious were taken to the hospital for immediate treatment after the gas came into contact. Five students were relieved after treatment, and five students were hospitalized at the CFCL organization.

District Collector Dr. Rabindra Goswami also arrived at school

The District Collector Dr. received information on the incident. Rabindra Goswami, SP Sujit Shankar and quota CMHO Dr. Narendra Nagar arrived at the scene. The National Disaster Reaction Force (NDRF) team was also deployed for relief and rescue operations. Energy Minister Hiralal Nagar and Education Minister Madan Dilwa have directed the officials to investigate and submit the report.

Gas leaked in Mahesh Nagar in Jaipur on December 15

Earlier on December 7, 2021, some students were unconscious due to gas leakage in the Mahesh Nagar area of ​​Jaipur. In this case, the National Green Tribunal (NGT) also sought response from the Central Pollution Control Board and Jaipur District Magistrate on the admission of the hospital after the suspected gas was leaked in Jaipur.

Five children from a coaching institute in Mahesh Nagar area of ​​Jaipur were admitted to the hospital after being unconscious due to suspicious gas leak from the nearest drain.

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