Backyard Ultra comes to Kiimbatore: A test of tolerant and techniques
For the first time, the ultra format of the backyard tolerance-examination is coming to Coimbatore and southern India. The inaugural Caibimato’s backyard Ultra Health and Fitness Startup, the founder of the Battle Ground is organized by Prim SB and Nitin SS. It will be held on March 22 inside the Kumaraguru Institutions campus. The goal of this event, including 58 participants, including Ultra Runner across South India, is to introduce the moving community of the region to a format that pushes the bot physical and emotional limitations to the bots.
The format of the test
The backyard Ultra is not like any other race. Participants must complete the loop of 6.7 km within an hour. The race continues until only one runner. Have been eliminated those who failed to complete a loop in the allotted period. In this format, each other runner is classified as ‘finish finish’ (DNF), creating tolerant, techniques and mental strengths just like physical fitness.
For primary and semi-marathoners, there is a backyard 4 section, where the runners complete four loops, combining 27 kilometers.
“This format allows the runners to compare with themselves,” says love. “Unlike the marathon, which has a certain distance, or stadium run, which has a timeframe, here, you can push your limits into an opposite environment. They even realize that they can last for a long time.”

Kumaraguru College of Technology, The Venue for Backyard Ultra | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement
Organized an ultra event
Kumarguru College of Technology both graduated from 2019 both love and Nitin Athletic backgrounds – Prem played Basketball, and Nitin Khoo played. After college, the career’s claim removed them from the sport. However, they re -ruled their competitive attitude two years ago.
Their personal experiences as the Ultra Runner lead to the construction of the Ultra in the backyard of Kiimbato. “The backyard of the house in India since 2019 is happy, but only in reply,” Prem said. “We run the backyard of Mumbai home last year – 15 hours Nitin and I am four hours – and I realized how much these events were. Travel, housing and entry fees are $ 20,000 to $ 25,000 from cool quantity.”
To make the Ultra running to the locals, they chose the Caimibatore for its weather and affordable. “Caibibatore’s summer is more forgiving, compared to Mumbai, Gurgaon or Chennai,” love explains. “Kumaraguru campus has 60-70% green cover on the race, which provides enough shade. The minimum height makes it easier on foot and since it is in a closed campus, the runners do not have to deal with traffic.”

Love SB and Nitin SS | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement
Ultra running application
The Indian record for the Ultra in the backyard is stood for 52 hours by helping Sunil Sharma. His runner-up, Sharma will participate in the edition of Sharma. Other notable participants include Dr. Binod Nathaniel, the winner of the recent Chennai Stadium Run.
Beyond the competitive runners, this event has attracted interest from the amateur cooking Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad and Kochi.
Events are also seeing a change in how families are involved with tolerants. “In ordinary marathons, runners go home after finishing their race. Here, friends and family may be part of the journey, encouraging participants through each loop,” Nitin said. “This format encourages the feeling of communication and assistance.”
Unlike mainstream marathons, which attract thousands of people, the organic community building is required for the niche ultra events. The team refrains from aggressive marketing, relay to ward-mouth and radio ads.
Nevertheless, interest in the format is increasing. “There were only two or three moving communities of Kiyimatore five years ago. Now, there are more than 10.
Nitin added, “Ultra is expected to be running in India. The fee of the lonely entry prevents many runners. We wanted to break that barrier that is affordable and accessible. More importantly, we wanted to create a sustainable platform to explore the distances of local runners.”
On March 22, 4 runners will complexes in the Ultra section, when 23 backyard will accept the 4 challenge. The race will start and end in the same place.
As Love and Nitin are looking forward, they see the possibility of the Ultras in the backyard in India. Prem says, “This nation makes your personal changes in your tolerance.” “This is a mental sport. You can fight initially, but with the right mentality you can move forward more than imagine.”
For registration and information, see Batground India..com/COIMBTO-BACIARD-WALTRA
Published – March 07, 2025 01:00 pm Ist