Canye West and Beanka Censary Grammy 2025 is about 11 days after the debate is about to divorce
After the Grammy Awards over 2021 Red Carpet debate, the report on the divorce of the West and Beanka sensation has been discussed on social media over the past few days. According to sources, the sensitive and vest pair are broken. The two have agreed to separate. In the divorce report, a post related to ‘forced’ on Western social media has also been shared.
Rapper, known as Yeh, posted a post titled ‘Forced’. It writes in artificial intelligence, ‘Yes, forcibly illegal. Someone is forced to do something against his will by threatening or intimidating. It may include physical disadvantages, mental illness, extortion, blackmail or sexual harassment. I tell you, the post was simply removed after a few minutes.
Grammy is alleged to be divorced just 11 days after the stunt naked on the red carpet. It is believed that they have verbally agreed that they will pay $ 5 million after a short marriage in December 2022.
A source close to the rapper has confirmed that the couple is now broken and they are hoping that legal filing will stop the marriage in the coming days. It is believed that the sensor is currently living in its $ 35 million home at Beverly Park, north of Los Angeles. It is not known where the West is. However, some people believe that he can also go to Tokyo in Japan in the coming days, where he spent most of the last year at a hotel.
It is not known where the West is known, but some people believe he can also go to Tokyo in Japan in the coming days, where he spent most of the previous year at a hotel.
Milo Isopolos, who had previously worked on his short -term president, alleged that the couple had rejected a rejection, saying that he was in the West and Considered LA and was interested in spending Valentine’s Day at the same time. It is not clear whether to meet their government representatives.