Health & Fitness
Tomato juice on your morning on an empty stomach can help your overall body and well
Drinking tomato juice on an empty stomach in the morning provides the benefit of your whole body and health. It can improve digestion. Also, it also increases immunity. Not only that, it also works to remove dirt from the body. Tomato is called the wealth of taste and health. Tomatoes are a vegetable that is […]
A region for fitness – Hindu
No Murali in his gym, Chennai’s Fitzone Photo Credit: Velalankanni Raj B No, with Murali’s fitness, the tribe started as his teenager, when he was fascinated by Japan’s Martial Art Judo. His coach taught him the basics, but it seemed insured to him. As unstable and 17 years old as Tehusastic, he was desperate to […]
New Virus HQ 5 COV 2 knows how it spreads in China as it spreads
Recently, Chinese scientists have discovered a new bat quinavirus. Whose name is HKU5-COV-2. The virus is like a virus that spreads the Covid -19 (Saras -Cov -2). The virus has discovered a group of Vuhan Institute of Viralology, led by Shi Jhengali. Shi Jhangli is called “Batuumon” because of his research on his coronavirus. What […]
Health tips are signs of warning in pre -heart attack Hindi
Initial alert signs of heart attack : Day -day -day -to -day, work stress and weak eating affects the health of our heart. This is why cases like a heart attack are suddenly heard nowadays. The easiest way to avoid a heart attack is to hear the heart and understand its symptoms. Health experts believe […]
Try your hand on the barrier course in Chennai’s Wild Warrior race
Still one from the previous version of the race. , Photo Credit: Neeraj Dev Verma The first introduction by the army was created by the Army to test the troops in the hostel battlegrong. Running with steady legs, climbing energy and shaking with the Brute Force, their people were essential to survival and protection. Centuries […]
Drinking hot water on an empty stomach in the morning gives great benefits for health
Water in our body is very important. If there is a lack of water in the body, many diseases can cause. Drinking enough water prevents many diseases. The skin and hair are also healthy by drinking water. If you drink water at the right time or in the right way you will get a lot […]
How to swing a Hanuman gada
“I will not sell to a man with a big belly,” declares Gyanshankul Singh. As multifaceted as he is opinionated, Singh teaches wrestlers at the 490-year-old Swaminathan Akhara in Varanasi, in addition to being a certified strength coach, an arm wrestler and a self-confessed poet. He also makes traditional wooden fitness equipment that Indian wrestlers […]
South actress Nayantara Fitness and Diet Routine to get the perfect figure
South actress Nayanta is seen to be a perfect and thin trim after marriage and after two children, as she also joins a balanced diet and daily workout for her fitness. Talking about Nayantara’s fitness routine, he practiced cardio with weight training and took care of mental and physical well -being, including meditation and yoga. […]
Visakhapatnam is ready for the marathon season with structural training and camera
As the marathon season comes forward, the ongoing community of Visakhapatnam is in the whole gear, preparing for emphasis and discipline. Various ongoing teams in the city have adopted a structural approach for training with emphasis on preventing injury, fitness and chemaradari among the runners. To many, these activities are promising to encourage discipline preparation, […]
Health Tips: Do this workout to control high BP problems, take special care of these topics
Today, most people have problems with high BP. Therefore, these people pay the same attention to food and physical well -being with their drugs. In such a situation, you make some small changes in the daily routine to control BP. Also, by creating a part of the routine, you get a lot of benefits in […]