2 mins read

Change your lifestyle to keep the heart healthy, leave these 7 habits today

Due to poor lifestyle and misinformation, worldwide diseases are increasing. In such cases, heart -related diseases are growing worldwide. Drinking excess alcohol, smoking very smoking and regular fast food has become a major cause of heart disease. Let us tell you today the 7 -national life changes in the article, which you can apply to […]

4 mins read

What happens immediately if a heart attack comes suddenly during dance? Learn how to avoid

In Bidisha, a 23 -year -old girl died due to a sudden heart attack while dancing on stage. According to the report, the girl suddenly suffered a heart attack while dancing at her cousin’s wedding. The girl who died came to Vidisha from Indore to take part in the wedding."Text-anthropological: equitable;"> In a video that […]

3 mins read

Higher-ed health clubs alleged that the culture of an exploitative work hidden in Thiruvananthapram

Fitness instructor in a gymnasium in Thiruvananthapuram. , Photo Credit: Nirmal Harindran A young man is emerging as a young man for the rapid growing network employment of the upscale health clubs in Thiruvananthapuram. Hundreds of young men in the working -class families fighting for bodybuilding are baking certified physical trainers for cash in fitness […]

3 mins read

Taking dry grapes every day gives many benefits from immunity by improving the health of the heart

Dry grapes are also known as black raisins, also a delicious and nutritious superfood that provides a variety of health facilities. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. From dry grapes to digestion to the help of digestion to the health of the heart, this small miracle can do miracles that we have never […]

2 mins read

Salad is beneficial for the body to eat

Eating salads is beneficial for health. Health experts, especially during the summer days, suggest eating more salads. But do you know what to eat in the salad? Today we will tell you what to remember when eating salads. Because eating some things in salad can have the opposite effect on the body. Salad It is […]

1 min read

Chennai Cycling Thiruvzha: This carnival is all about cycling, health and fitness

An exclusive cycling competition for kids between 8 and 12 years old in a safe environment will be conducted photo credit: Hindu Chennai Cycling Thiruvzha is a carnival that is dedicated to all bicycles. This annual event combines cyclists, general public and businesses, involves and creates a place for learning. Organized by Chennai Cyclists, it […]

3 mins read

Diabetes: There is a risk of increasing sugar levels in winter, knowing how to control diabetes from experts

The winter season can affect different ways of your health. As the temperature decreases, health complications begin to increase. This is why we all need to take special care of our health in winter. Because in winter weather, people with diabetes and high blood pressure can also be challenging in various ways. Especially patients with […]

2 mins read

Cancer be like a common disease after 10 years because learning the reason for reading the full article in Hindi

Cancer is one of the main causes of global death, about 1 million deaths have occurred in 2021. One of the six deaths is the most common cancer, breast, lungs, mouth cancer and rectal and prostate cancer. About a third of cancer deaths are caused by the use of tobacco, due to high body months […]

5 mins read

Sourav Bothra: Mum’s Word | Yoga trainer and entrepreneurs want older women to give their health priority and make it every day

Sourav Bothra, 32, everyone’s favorite ‘boy’. Perhaps he believed that he even attained the ability to practice idle women and feel better about himself. He is alive by the ‘yoga’ printed ‘yoga’ in his white, show them every day since he launched his self-affordable online Yoga Startup Hubble, the days would be the talent of […]

2 mins read

Somewhere you are not taking adulterated milk, the benefits can be damaged instead of facilities, how to investigate

Nowadays the food is increasing more than the adulterated amount. There is a lot of goods where adulterated things are available. In food items, they mix the dangerous chemicals. Due to the adulteration of food, it directly affects our health, which increases the risk of dangerous diseases and cancer. Some things are commonly used in […]