Check Mall Health Learn how ribbon reveals your health
Check the Mall Health : It can be a bit strange to hear, but it is true that the health condition has revealed the ribbon. The color of a healthy body linen can be from light brown to dense brown. In addition to these, any color like white, light yellow, green, red, black, gray indicates bad health. Not only the color of the patties, its size, texture, coordination also say about health. In such situations, let us know that the ribbon indicates the things, how many times it is correct in 7 days …
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What things are published by ribbon
1 Many of the diet and health things are known from the POP quality.
2 Drink enough water
3 Stress hormone cortisol layer in the body
4 .. No food allergies
5 .. Do not take adequate amounts of fiber or not
6 .. There is no worms or parasites in the stomach
7 .. No problem on the gastrointestinal track
8. The body is coming out of adequate amount of stamoc acid ie hydrochloric acid or not
9. Not eating too much pepper, spices, oil foods
10. Antacid, anti -allergies or antibiotics are not taking
How many times a day should be toilet
According to American gastroenterologist Dr. Wills Bulchevich, a healthy person has to go to the pot once a day. There should be at least 24-32 hours interval between the toilet twice. No need to go to the toilet once a day. If you go to the toilet once to two and a half to two and a half to two and a half, you don’t need to worry. This is a habit, whose continuity should be. If there is trouble, stomach and health can also be bad.
How many times is going to the toilet in 7 days?
According to health experts, the habit of going toilet can be different from each person. The ribbon is considered as 1 to 3 times a day or at least 8-10 times a week. If less toilets are gone, it can be a sign of the digestive system.
When to contact the doctor
If anyone has constant constipation, diarrhea, bleeding in the stool, the color of the linen or abdominal pain, one should go to the doctor without delay. So that it can be treated before the problem increases.
View the health equipment below-
Count your body month index (BMI)