Check these alert symptoms and keep yourself protected by hotel booking fraud
1 min read

Check these alert symptoms and keep yourself protected by hotel booking fraud

A Delhi man booked the hotel with a paid of Rs. When he arrived in Goa, it was found that the hotel he had booked was not really. Cyber ​​Thugs cheated on the hotel booking. Nowadays these national cases are growing rapidly. In such situations, a lot of care is needed while booking or having a hotel.

Thugs are losing these methods

Cyber ​​Thugs are adopting the fake website to cheat people in the name of booking. They prepare a fake website that looks like a big hotel to look at. It has real hotel photos and customer reviews. In such situations, many people get stuck in this trap and pay for booking on fake websites instead of real. In addition to these, scammers falsely advertise on social media for cyber fraud. People click on it after getting their greed. That way, they reached the fake booking site. Cyber ​​criminals also communicate with people several times as hotel workers. Many people give information they need to book, which gives the cheat ways to reach their account.

How to avoid this national scandal?

Extra precautions are required to avoid cybercrime. Greed or neglect can harm you a lot. To avoid this national scandal, remember things written below-

  • Always book from a trusted website. Verify the website before booking.
  • Don’t get caught in the cheating of breathtaking ads seen on social media
  • If someone is giving a huge concession, look at it with suspicion.
  • If a hotel employee asks for passionate information, cut the call immediately and not share your information.

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