Gummer Multipurpose is the main topic of this multimedia exhibition in New Delhi
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Gummer Multipurpose is the main topic of this multimedia exhibition in New Delhi

The Gum There may be handkerchiefs, scarves, towels, sheets, clothing and even a blanket. East and southeast Bangladesh, Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, the multi -faceted fabric of the working class of India in the warm and humid regions of Andhra Pradesh, is particularly noticeable, Telangana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala, where it is used to reduce the effects of heat.

Multipurpose Czechur Fabric is synonymous with the working class of India

The multipurpose chikurade fabric is synonymous with the working class of India Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

The nature of the textile is generally remarkable by the Multimedia Exhibition Gumcha: Dostari Hut Association (DHS). Checked Cotton Fabric – An ubiquitous symbol for the poorest of society – it is also a marker of identity and elasticity.

This is the first time not involved in DHS cloth. In 2015, the company commissioned to make 100 women weavers in Fulia in West Bengal Gum Saree. “This cloth is tied to an auto or chakra rickshaw, or workers shake it with Afra. It can also be used as a baby’s hamk,” the President of the Dosti Hut Smiti says Joy Jaiti. “I would like to mention Gum ‘Fabric knows about Kingdom as the Swiss Army’ because of its many uses because of its use.

“During the Covid -1, when the migrant workers were returning to their village, everyone noticed their wearing GumOtherwise it has been a neglected fabric, “he says.” It is time Gum Take action in the spotlight. ”

Out of its traditional thayat form, Gamcha is getting contemporary changes by designers

Out of its Traditional Form form, Gum Contemporary changes are being made by designers Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

It encouraged the DHS team to kickstart the project and they want to find different in the country Gum For this exhibition. They found 400 variants, with national awards and master craftsmen, cane made by Vivekananda Bagchi and 230 pieces in the bamboo structure.

It repeated a lot

Most when Gum There are checks, others can be used in single colors with stripped or a common boundary and IIT for daily purposes or formal use. In Tamil Nadu, the fabric goes through the name Thunder And with small checks are found in the shade of red, orange, green and mustard. On the other hand, Gamocha There is a glimpse of Ikat from Orissa.

In Karnataka, if one wear someone other than a laboratory GumAs locally as knowledge Hiagal meleeThey are teased. “They are asked not to pretend not to work hard. This is a question of class differenties,” Jaitley highlights. Kerala Thunderbolt The towel takes on the role Gum There is it Linen (Little Motif) which shows the end of one Thunderbolt And the beginning of another, he mentions.

An installation in the exhibition

An installation in the exhibition | Photo Credit: The lyrics shotdov

North -before, Gum Mizoram, the Infy Manipur, Rescue Tripura, Shamla And Jero Arunachal Pradesh is used to identify a specific dignity in their specific tribes or in communication. Red and white Gamosa Assam plays a central role in the conduct and festival like Behoo.

As installation

Aubesical Design Superna Valla is also interpreted in the exhibition designed Gum Through creative installation. Oriigami artist Ankra Mitra explained ‘Working Man’s towel’ through its signature folds on paper suspended on a ceiling in the sky by Ankra Mitra.

The garment brand Rius Jaipur’s founder, Fessek Mondal, looks for another installation journey Gum Over time It has suspended the shuttles that symbolize weight work, while on the other hand the warp threads reflect over time. The presence of a transistor playing old Bengali tunes is a reminder of its irreversible quality in one’s life Gum Weaver

Checard cotton fabric — a universal symbol that is the poorest of the social field - it is a marker of identity and elasticity

For the poorest of the Society, the ubiquitous symbol in the Cotton Cotton Fabric – it is also a marker of identity and elasticity. Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

Out of its Traditional Form form, Gum There is a convention change with the introduction of clothing, accessories and jewelry. Over the years, fashion brands like Kolkata -based 145 East, Bihart and Perora have been launched by Anith Arora to honor the fabric.

Does these designs interfere with what helps make democratic Gamka? “It won’t lose its purpose. I don’t want Gum To become like an expensive jeans in his knees, “Jaitley says.” They have to respect Labara, order the fabric from the weaver and then make a garment. ”

The exhibition will run in the National Crafts Museum, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, from March 10 to 8am to 8pm.

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