How to lose 1 kilogram of weight in a week very easily in 2024!


When it is a question how to lose 1 kilogram of weight, we often associate time with it. Body fat accumulated for a year or 10 years, during ‘weight loss’ we think about how to shed a certain amount of kg from the body in a month or a week. We do various diet plans, indoor or outdoor exercises. But it is also seen that there is no such variation in weight at the end of the day. A major reason behind this is lack of understanding of the ‘science’ behind weight loss. Today we will try to understand that science.

How many calories to burn to lose one kilogram of weight?

It is very common for people who want to lose weight to ask how many calories I can burn to lose 1 kg. So let’s do some numbers first, then the process will know how we can turn these numbers into reality.
To lose one kg of weight we need to consume or burn approximately 7700 fewer calories. This means that if you want to lose a kilo by following a healthy diet and some exercise in a week, you need to be in a total deficit of 7700 calories.

Low carb diet

Is it really possible to lose one kilogram of weight in a week?

Everyone’s body type and structure is different, but with the right approach you can lose a kilo a week in a very healthy way, and that’s fat loss. Not only will the amount of water in your body decrease.

At this stage it is important to talk about fat loss and water loss.

Many times you will find that you suddenly lose a few kilos within the first few days of starting an exercise/diet due to an illness but then it is stuck. Let’s say you started a diet weighing 70 kg, within the first 1-2 weeks you suddenly lost a few kg to 65 kg, but after that the weight did not drop, stuck at 65. This phenomenon is water loss.

But when you’re in a calorie deficit, weight will come off very slowly. Because you are not following a crash diet. And this will be sustainable because your diet has become part of your routine. At the same time, there is no lack of nutrition. So if you don’t have a very special occasion then it is a good way to go for fat loss without crash dieting.

Back again to the possibility of losing one kilogram of weight in a week.  Although the body composition is different, some factors in fat loss are the same for everyone, these are-

  • starting weight
  • Activity level
  • Nutrient content
  • sleep
  • Hormonal fluctuations

If you plan your diet and exercise keeping these things in mind, then it is possible to burn 7700 calories very healthily in a week and lose even one kg.

Weight loss extreme method

How can you ensure nutrition while losing weight?

Losing weight doesn’t mean cutting back on nutrition. This should be kept in mind while losing weight. Otherwise, you will see the lack of nutrition leading to body weakness, mental problems and within days your weight loss mission will come to an end. How to ensure nutrient availability-

1. Drink plenty of water

If you suddenly feel hungry, drink a glass of water first, many times it can be seen that it was just thirst. If you feel hungry even after waiting for half an hour, eat some seasonal fruit.

2. Eat slowly

Research shows that when we take time to chew and eat our whole meal, the brain gets a signal that too much has been eaten and the stomach remains full for longer, even though you may not have increased the amount of food!

3. fiber-rich foods

Fiber is a very useful ingredient when you are trying to lose weight. Fiber keeps the stomach full for longer and has no calories. It also resolves many physical complications including constipation. So if you want to kill two birds with one stone, increase the amount of fiber in your diet.

Weight loss or fat loss?

4. Bring down the plate size

If the plate is big, you will want to eat a little more because if the plate is not filled with food, the peace of mind does not come right, the whole day seems to feel hungry again! But the weight should be reduced, what can be done? Reduce plate size. By eating food on a small plate instead of a big plate, the plate will be full, the heart will be full and the weight will start to decrease.

5. Increase protein in food

Reduce carbohydrates and fats in daily meals and increase the amount of protein. This benefits you from two sides. Protein is the building block of our body, so consuming a little too much protein is not harmful to the body. And protein keeps you feeling ‘full’ for a long time. So the desire to eat unhealthy and sugary snacks also decreases.

Regardless of the strategy, at the end of the day what will help you lose weight the most is your own willpower and consistency. The longer these two are lived, the faster the weight will fall and your self-confidence will increase. So diet, exercise and everything is important to take care of your own mind!

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