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The Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) is in a continuous title. Ever since he attacked the…
Health & Fitness
Nowadays, the tendency for suicide among youth is showing abundance. According to a report published in the United States, the 12 -year seminar of Southport filed a report of sexual harassment with her at the police station some time ago. After that, he died in the hospital due to fatal overdose drugs. Cheltenham’s 48 -year […]
A group of women who were part of the International Women’s Day event held on Saturday (March 7th) at Manvelium Vedi in Thiruvananthapuram. Shot in OnePlus #Framsophindia | Photo Credit: Nirmal Harindran According to data collected from the Crime Records Bureau, exactly 18,887 offenses were reported against women in Kerala last year. A fitness club […]
Today, most people are in trouble by obesity. Due to obesity, many dangerous diseases begin to grow. If you want to lose weight, start eating Apple Vinegar from today. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is popular as a potential support for weight loss, which is mainly known as Apple vinegar for various health facilities. Made from […]
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Eastern and South African leaders immediately applied for a ceasefire in East Congo. The rebels are threatening to overthrow the Congo government, but the leaders have called for their Congo’s…
Hindi news Career Who received 2024 of the Literary Academy Award in Dogri; Who became the new prime minister of Belgium 47 minutes ago Copy of Link What was changed…
{“_ID”: “67a7b9b9b9b9b9B81DDE9A0C3efa”, “Slug”: “Weather-Data-in-in-in-in-in-in-Rajir-Kashmir-Rinnononononononononononononononononononononeonononononononononononone-infal-in-form-of 2 -025-09-to-to-to-to-2-025-09 from “,” Type “:” Story “,” Status “,” Prakash “,” Title_N “:” weather report: The weather will deteriorate again O Kashmir, rains for three…
Hindi news Career The cabinet approves the new income tax bill; Prime Minister Modi to meet France and us 7 hours ago Copy of Link The National Cleaning Commission (NCSK)…
{“_ID”: “67A7Fee5e97A7D5D83011AAF”, “Slug”: “delhi-election-result-2025-ball-seven-bjp-mp-passed-kamaljeet-kamaljeet-or-top-top-kejriwal-lockjriwal-lock-on – 15-A 02-09 “,” Type “:” Feature-Fiction “,” Status “:” Publication “,” Title_Han “:” Seven MP Pass, Kamoljit Aowal: Leaded by 120 booths, BJP’s weight percentage…
Araku festival tribe dances, hot air balloon rides and coffee testing
People are traveling on Araku to Tethod Hot Air Balance Photo Credit: KR Deepak The Araku’s Vardant Valley will come alive with the Araku festival, which is three days outward, which begins on January 3. The Up a line of events The festival works with the 5K Araku Marathon, the top participants from the Lush […]
Now, hire a water metro ferry to go backwater tours
Air-conditioned ferries are called the first of their types in Asia that are being rented for film shooting during the off-pic period under a single command and control system. , Photo Credit: RK Nitin Hop-on, hop-off, Kochi Water Metro Limited (KWML) is releasing its popular electrical reform ferries for people’s groups. Air-conditioned ferries are called […]