See | Chennai’s prosperous community knows how a friesby can work
After dawn breaks over the Beach in the morning, alsos is being set up on the sand to limit the game to play. A group of children equally carried the adolescents, passed a friesby and blocked their opponent, rushed and jumped over the sand. All around, similar pockets are running matches, a mixture of cheering players and simply observes online.
Especially during the weekly holidays, it is not rare to see discs flying in the air because many final teams in Chennai are taken to the city bokes. The many teams we have on Saturday, warm up, coaching and playing matches are all a part of the Agni star, an initial tournament.
Photo credit by a player during the final practice session: B Thomodharan
“Every year, Chennai teams try and get the new guy to play. The fire tournament is created on school and college holidays so that the children and teenagers come to coach and play the match. This is the first opportunity for these players to be part of a tournament, and they never forget the club, and the club, the club’s first player.
There are five players on each side of a sports, which is played on Chennai’s beach, with an alternative rainfall, an alternative proportion to an alternative ratio of an alternative ratio with an alternative ratio of an alternative ratio to an alternative ratio of an alternative proportion to an alternative ratio of an alternative proportion to a significant communicating support and Spirit. The players just do not toss any friesby standing on the sand. Watch a final game in action and you will understand how much it looks like a rugby, full of communication. It is not uncommon to identify entries, it covers a spectrum of age to play sports, provides how it includes and welcomes anyone who wants to play. The game celebrates the soul, how it is self-portrayed, is to control much more people to attract it.
Disk love
Chennai’s coastline has jumped and the final increased by boundaries. Recently, the India Mixed Team, Chennai’s 17 -member squad 1, received a silver medal at the Asia Osnik Beach Ultimate Championship (AOBOOK) in Japan’s vein. These national tournaments are now upset for many clubs in Chennai and its steeller players.
“When we returned in 2007, there were probably seven of us who came here to play in the final. At least anyone knew about the game, relied on YouTube for the flame and even wrote to the international players to coach us via e-mail,” Fabric Binaykh remembered how much the game was played. One of the top clubs in Chennai is swollen from the number of Flywield players, fancy clubs and players. Chennai currently has about 500 to 600 active players, including school and NGOs. Currently, there are better EGGHT and 10 clubs.
As part of the fire tournament, newcomers are trained and can play a series of matches Photo Credit: B Thomodharan
“Every year, we do not have at least one tournament to participate every month. There is a huge young population that is starting to play – there is an upcoming, powerful team for IIT Madras. Sport is easy to teach, play and organize,” he said. Fancy added that several elderly people have created a bainline for the final.
As one of the low-rich mixed mixtures, several young girls and women are in the fire, picked up the sports of the sport. A player in Caibibatore, Neela Makesh says that he was shocked to stay in Chennai, adopted a pleasant view on the sea to play the final in Chennai. “It’s been a year of starting the game. After that before the skater, I wanted to go to someone a cool, fun and a comfortable team play,” he says. Neil is about to join a Spirit Circle with his team, the team they just played. As a self-related game, several players clearly wax about how important the soul is final. Tournaments have a dedicated Spirit Awards for teams, which recognize their rules, fair attitude, communication, communication, communication, communication and management knowledge
A match in progress as part of the fire star Bigonia tournament Photo Credit: B Thomodharan
“We don’t see a lot of games where men and women play Together and in my own club I have seen the number of women joining sports and the number of commissions. It is here to help the Chennai community as a safe, warm and welcome welcome,” the game of Chennai-based psychologist Namrata says for Stall 7. It has been taught to students in a school, Namaritha says that a lot of things need to be learned about the formation of the team, the ability to achieve the ultimate skills in the final skill in the ability to achieve the skills from the final and even the ultimate skills from the final to the school is a great fit for schools.
Namrita was a part of the mixed masters team, which also participated in the recent tournament in the Shihama, ranked sixth. A female head coach of the masters team was Mrinalini Siddhartha from Chennai, she was the first woman to coach an Indian team.
“We have a lot of experiences from taking part in the tournament locally and abroad, from how to manage the hostility from how to handle adversity.” The kind of final you see is the brilliant, “he said about his vein’s experience.
As a game that is independent and without any government support, the community is the final game made it from the final game. From organizing tournaments, and something we hear quite a little in the field – a huge family is united by love for the game.

Team India mixed with the venom that was silver in the recent Aubok tournament: Special arrangement
The captain of the mixed team, who won silver in the head, recalled several installations of the Flyweld player Shiv Raman Chennai Ultimate community. “Looking for sponsor was always difficult in this game. A decade ago, I was a student and my father was Darji.” I can only take part in the tournament for how my friends I usually entered like fancy. “A decade later, Shiva is now younger than low economic background and helps to help players in the sport.
The beaches have long been separated by Chennai as a training field and the Finn player has been identified as the manufacturer. “The final community of Chennai is an outward competitive sense so many people find a place in national parties. Running in sand is really difficult, and in addition to practicing on the beaches, these strong air helps us in the field of stamina and conditioner, “Shiva explains.
Fatal competition, however, does not come to Tosether on the trains of these times or even rush to the tournament to play against each other. Next to the Agni Tournament, club Pual player Shrimaksh Krishna said for a upcoming tournament in Kuala Lumpur that their team is ready to practice Madras Minal Players from Civil Civil from Civil Civil.
The next exciting challenge is the World Championship in Australia. Five players from Chennai, including the founder of Stall 7, Vishnu Das, are part of the team from India in the tournament. Anyone who has been playing for the last 5 years, Vishnu said, “I have seen the sport of the tournament becoming more professional, considering the number of tournaments and how many players accept the play.
So how do you finally start their journey in Chennai? Veteran, fancy, Shrikesh and many others have the same response – only to appear on the beach. “In the field, everyone is equal and we will teach you to play friesby whatever. In fifty minutes you can be a passed throu, and the sport will take you time to master you for decades,” said fancy. He quotes the late psychiatrist Dr. Stansil Johnson as to what separates the game.
“When a ball dreams, it’s a friesby to dream” “
Published – July 03, 2024 01:24PM IST