‘Stork Sister’ Purnima Devi Burman and her ‘Hargila Sena’ in Assam
Assam’s wildlife biologist Purnima Devi Burman is an unexpected commander of a large and powerful army. Worldwide, she is now known as Stork sister.
The only Indian female is featured TimeWomen listed in 2021 for her contribution to conservation, Burman has been rebuilt for her advanced effort to save the locally known endangered green adjutant stock. Hargila (Money ‘swallows bones’ in the unequal.
In the mission to protect the birds and its abode, Burman has combined a strong communication of more than 20,700 women, which formed the Hargila Army, an all-run conservation group. Birds – There are about 1,800 in Assam – mostly found in three districts of Guwahati, Marigaon and Nagaon.
A testament of their success is the stork number and the continuous risk in the Hargila Baby Shower, now in the nest season – this community causes new hatsleings. Burman says, “We have come a long way from seeing a bad woman to the baby is celebrated with the fountains.”

Greater Adjutant Stork on a tree | Photo Credit: Madhubanti S. Krishna
Remembering his first time in the field in 2007, Dardara (near Hajo) where the villagers did not cut the green adjutant starch, Shi said, “I was not sure how I was going to strap or how I was eating. Kodom Go [Neolamarckia cadamba, also known as burflower-tree, laran, or Leichhardt pine] Alady was cut off, destroying many nests with the rocks. I have please and argue for the trees and birds, the villagers thought I had lost my mind. To them, the birds were the refuge of misfortune.

Greater Adjutant Storks near the Dipper Bell Wild Life Sanctuary in Guwahati. , Photo Credit: Ritu Raj Konwar
At that time, Burman was the new mother of the twin child. He please with the villagers to save such birds and their nests, he lifted the closet and rushed to Guwahati in an auto -rickshaw. “To me they weren’t different from my kids. I was helpless, scared, but also the determined to save them.”

Purnima is with some members of her ‘Hargila Army’. , Photo credit: special arrangements
Looking back, Burman reminds him that attracted him to these birds. He grew up in Palashbari, about 5 km from Guwahati, with his grandmother, who made magical stories about natural. In these stories, the trees were the kingdom, when the birds and insects were their loyal residences and fighters. ,ITA [grandmother] Among others these stories, which are featured by Adjutant Storks, Egrates, Shakun and Asian OpenBels, are always. However, inadvertently, he taught me about nature. I identify the birds from a young age in winter and simply learn the ASONS Tu and the desired plants to tie their nest, “he says.

Greater Adjutant Storks | Photo Credit: Ritu Raj Konwar
His grandmother survived the love of the natural shape of Burman and to earn a postgraduate degree in zoology, experts in Vanvent’s Gouhati and Wildlife Biology. “My professors inspired me a lot. They synthes us while discussing the contents of the endangered species and the contents of the endangered species. Hargila And Bortukula [lesser adjutant stork] Get up It was an instant connection to my childhood and I decided to do my PhD on the Green Adjutant Star, “he says.
From research to save
Burman’s work has achieved its world restructuring. He is the recipient of honor like the Champions of the Earth Award in 2022 – the UN’s highest environmental honor – and the Whitley Gold Award, which he received in 2021, was often known as the Green Oscar, conservation of biodiversity known as Force Work.

A Greater Adjutant Stork on a tree | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement
Now IUCN stork, IBIS and Spunbil expert group members reminded Burman how the incident of 20 2007 transferred its view. He was realized “What is a thesis better if the bird itself cannot be protected?” He thought. This moment has changed everything – his focus was shifted directly from research to reservation.
Scheduled to separate, he returned to the village as a lawyer for the birds at this time. “The villagers complained that the birds had given this area dirty and odor. So, I proposed to clean the nest of the nest,” said Burman. These birds who are mostly fed in the waterlogged regions and shallow holes now believe in habitat and urbanization damage.
At first, his attempt was met with a joke, Burman said. “The people laughed, mocked me with the song and called me crazy. But I was the person. I finally showed up until they decided to listen.” It was his first small step, but he knew that it was not enough. He began to rally people, including a family, whose property was nesting on the property. “We organized Back Competition [local food contests], Name Competition [bhajan singing gatherings]Clean drive – with Hargila In all these centers, “he shares. These assembly always ends with the discussion of awareness about birds and the importance of conservation of trees for the organism.

‘Hargila Army’ observation, photo credit: special arrangement

The ‘Hargila Army’ celebrates the Green Adjutant Star’s nest season in Hajo near Guwahati. , Photo credit: special arrangements
Recognizing the power of the combined move he has focused on incorporating women in his efforts. “Women can run the real change. That’s why we call ourselves to the Hargila army, and we say it proudly,” he says. Thanks to their work, the once-color birds are now protected, celebrated and even growing locally locally.
This movement has been further enhanced to include environmental education. Burman and his team established the Hargila Lerning Center, where they introduce children to save and love nature from a young age.
Published – March 13, 2025 03:56Pm IST