2 mins read

Maharashtra Gilline-Bars reports 225 cases of Syndrome and 12 people know the death of Giline-Bars syndrome syndrome

Gilline barre syndrome: Gulian barre in Maharashtra does not name Syndrome. The daily events of people suffering from this syndrome are coming out. According to officials, 225 cases have been reported in the state so far, where 1 197 cases have been confirmed. At the same time, 28 people are suspicious. According to the Health […]

4 mins read

What kind of headache, what diseases do they get from them?

In today’s changing life, many health problems continue to come into our lives and their dangers are also increasing. One of the most common problems of this is a headache, which can happen with anyone and at any time. Often when a person has a headache, it should be taken to the doctor. If you […]