2 mins read

Mahindra B6 and XIV 9th customers will be able to avoid buying charger, Tesla

Mahindra and Mahindra BE6 and XEV 9 will not be conditioned to buy charger with large automobile companies. Earlier, this company made both of these electronic SUVs it was mandatory to buy a certified charger from Mahindra. However, the condition has been removed on the basis of the response from customers. Customers of Be6 and […]

2 mins read

EOler Motors EV Charging Infrastructure, Partner with Tata Power Renewables for Tesla

Commercial Electric Vehicle Manufacturer Yella Motors has signed an agreement with Tata Power Renewants to increase the charging network for its customers. Under this agreement, Tata Power will provide a quick charger for the ulor motor at high demand at high demand. Electric vehicles (EV) sales have increased in the last few years. Simultaneously Eve […]

2 mins read

Get a View Strong Response for Mahindra XIV 9 E, How 6 Electronic SUV, Get more than 30,000 Bookings

One of the large automobile companies received good response from customers for Mahindra and Mahindra XIV 9E and may be 6 electronic SUV. The company received 30,179 bookings on the first day of XEV 9e and would be 6. Last year, the total sale of total electric passenger vehicles in the country was about one […]

6 mins read

Maruti Suzuki Priority Infrastructure Development in India Instant EV Sale in India

Maruti Suzuki, the country’s largest car maker, recently entered the Electric Vehicle (EV) section with his first electric car e-vita. Maruti may be delayed to launch electronic cars compared to her RIVs, but the company believes that it will move quickly to this category with e-vita. Senior Executive Officer of the Organization, (Marketing and Sales), […]

2 mins read

Tata Motors doubled in EV charging stations in 2 years, ola electronic

The large part of Tata Motors in the electronic vehicle (EV) market plans to double the number of charging stations for EV in the country within two years. The company has said that these charging stations will be extended by about four lakhs by 2027. For this, a tie-up will be done with the charges […]