Teleunilapuram: Immigrant birds marked a committed breeding season to reach the bird’s hotspot
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Teleunilapuram: Immigrant birds marked a committed breeding season to reach the bird’s hotspot

5 km from Visakhapatnam is a pelin on a flight in Telenielapuram village of Srikakulam district.

5 km from Visakhapatnam is a pelin on a flight in Telenielapuram village of Srikakulam district. , Photo Credit: KR Deepak

The soft gold light of the dawn breaks through the winter fog Inlapuram, enlightening the broad spinach plants, which are mostly awaited from Siberia to the most awaited guests. The crisp carries the fantaling of the winter air leaves, the gentle ham of cricket and the distant resonance of the birds. Anxious shelter for immigrant birds in Srikakulam district of Andhra Pradesh, with the wake of the quant village of Teleunilapuram, the birds gathered binocular, camera, camp, camp, camp, camp, camp, camp, camp, camp, camp. To get the vantage views of nest fields to get the narrow paths taken to the clock tower, excite Their cautious conversions that were knocked by the whisper.

Each year, this clean spot witnesses the arrival of painted storks and spot-laid pelisans from the last week of September, healds the heaven of the immigrant bird season. With their striking plumage and grace flying, these winged visitors create a vivid vision against the background of the wide green canopy of the cantal and proposopis trees.

This year, the migration has been particularly committed to the 142 spot-built pelvic nest and the 268 painted Stork Nests report until the first week of December. According to the Biswaswara Rao, a guard of the Andhra Pradesh Forest Department, this year is expected to increase further due to favorable weather conditions and lots of water. “We are optimistic about a thinking season, especially with the planning rainfall to ensure adequate food supply,” he shares. Last year, the season recorded a total of 142 pelvic nests and 268 houses of painted storks.

A pair of starchs made by eggs made by eggs in Teleanilapuram village of Srikakulam district, 5 km from Visakhapatnam.

A pair of starchs made by eggs made by eggs in Teleanilapuram village of Srikakulam district, 5 km from Visakhapatnam. , Photo Credit: KR Deepak

The spot-laid pelismen first came, the 2 September identified their presence on September 2. Painted Storks followed a few weeks later, arrived on October 25. About 500 meters, their primary nesting site has sesame trees. Particularly drawn starch-spot-billed pelods showed significant breeding success with 95% success rate than 50% success rate, a special IUCN red list. The migrant bird season, which starts from September every year, ends in the first week of March.

5 km from Visakhapatnam is a pelin on a flight in Telenielapuram village of Srikakulam district.

5 km from Visakhapatnam is a pelin on a flight in Telenielapuram village of Srikakulam district. , Photo Credit: KR Deepak

Birds and nature lovers have begun to go to Telenelapuram in Aledi teams, interested in seeing this wonder of nature. The best time to observe “This is the time when you can see the birds with their rocks and eggs and take pictures,” Ban Nand, a photographer and member of the photography group from Viskhapatnam. Nanda, who visited Avian Paradise in the last decade, said that the breeding season began long ago; However, it has been delayed due to various reasons in recent years.

Visakhapatnam: Andhra Pradesh: 1/3/22021: Pelikanara on the village of Teleanilapuram in Srikakulam district, 5 km from Visakhapatnam.

Visakhapatnam: Andhra Pradesh: 1/3/22021: Pelikanara on the village of Teleanilapuram in Srikakulam district, 5 km from Visakhapatnam. , Photo Credit: KR Deepak

Prashant setting, rich biodiversity and accessibility make Telenilapuram as an ideal destination for amateur and professional photographers to enroll in this annual migration. According to Nanda, it is important to select the right gear to achieve the striking shots. He is aromatic that carry 70-200 mm and 200-400 mm lens, which provides the “great” focal length flexibility to capture both close details and birds in their natural habitat. “The best time for Photography is the best time for photography when the soft lights highlighting the prashant Plumge against the tranquil backdrops of the daw When observing the birds make sure that the birds are not disturbed. ”

Visakhapatnam: Andhra Pradesh: 1/3/2121: Painted Storks built a nest in the village of Telenelapuram in Srikakulam district, 5 km from Visakhapatnam.

Visakhapatnam: Andhra Pradesh: 1/3/2121: Painted Storks resides in the village of Telenelapuram in Srikakulam district, 5 km from Visakhapatnam. , Photo Credit: KR Deepak

With the arrival of December, the breeding season has just begun. Teenage Storks extend their new wings, testing the morning air, when the adult pelisters are filled with fish with their lips from the nearest reservoirs. Interplay of activity – nesting, feeding and grooming – creates a dynamic table that fascinates online. The birds are best seen from a clock tower with three floors in its habitat, at different levels of each height.

To plan to visit there, Telenelapuram has promised an experience of witnessing the delicate balance of life in the most primitive form of life – Unields bonding is the best and its testimony Ambassador.

5 km from Visakhapatnam is a pelin on a flight in Telenielapuram village of Srikakulam district.

5 km from Visakhapatnam is a pelin on a flight in Telenielapuram village of Srikakulam district. , Photo Credit: KR Deepak

This annual event of migration not only highlights the environmental importance of the region, but it also emphasizes the need for its consequences to ensure the compact of such immigrant traditions. Climate Change has introduced unexpected weather patterns with all the extreme and irrational rainfall. Environmentalists say that it can adapt to the breeding of migration bird species adapted to success. Painted storks and pelisters, think flexible, are not immune to these rapid environmental changes.

Telenelapuram is 150 km from Visakhapatnam. This bird is the nearest city in the nesting site where Stay Facilites and restaurants are available.

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