The four Tamil Nadu brand gives a contemporary twist to trusted Kudai
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The four Tamil Nadu brand gives a contemporary twist to trusted Kudai

Long before sleeping, fancy lunch bag with zip and pouch, faithful, sight Kudice There were standard lunch companies of different sizes. Woven wire bags, big breakfast and lunch boxes and water bottles never come out, despite the stuff, the tests for time and many others.

Humble Cotton Now, Howver, there’s a moment. They are conventional and jazzed with flap, pouches, buttons and glossy bark. You once became crooked (think green and violet) now colorful combinations are now considered intelligent and Kitsky. The Cotton Now many sleeping incarnations come to mini handbags with slings, grip and even trendl. We meet four designers from Tamil Nadu who are giving this woven craft a contemporary twist in nostalgia.

BASQ artist

BASQ artist's bags come in tans, deep brown and metallic shade

BASQ artist’s bags come in tans, deep brown and metal shade Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

For Sneha Ganesh, the Cotton He was everywhere when he was a child. “I remember seeing my grandmother weaving basket and many years later, my mother-in law is doing the same. Cotton Takes your eyes off, it’s not something that I immediately pick out by picking up, “she says. Sneha decided to hold its traditional appearance and charm CottonAnd soon his Caibibatore -based brand BasQu Artry has been established.

“Many variations in woven baskets are not just accounts but different methods and materials used.

From tan to metallic silver, basic artistic knitted bags shout contemporary. “I was very precise about the colors and we wanted to replicate the tough colors that we get in the leather Tan and brown tot baskets wide, and good for daily use, small handbags and metallic bark and strapped grip are suitable for evenings. Kudice And the other bags of our collection that brought a fabric lining and pockets, “he said about their product lines these these are comfortable Cotton He said the bags simply dumping inside and there is a large drawing of it taken in any way, he said.

Although they are hopeful to bring more repetitions of woven laptops this year, Sneha says they are also working on crossbodies travel and sling bags that will be launched soon.

BASQ is on Instagram on the Bascartry @Basakartry. Bag prices are determined 450 online


Top Drawer Trade Show at Thanusia vs.

Top Drawer Trade Show Thanusia vs. Photo Credit: Dave George

,Kudice A century old art from Tamil Nadu and I wanted that they think they were carrying a piece of history. “The founder of Chennai-based knowledge bag, Thanusia VS, was asked about its brand, it was quickly speaking, which was born after extended research and experience.

“A decade ago, I was on vacation in Hong Kong and sad Kudice Back home, and our unique knitting technique, “he said. MangoI was initially used as a lunch bag, and considering the order, he wanted to change things.

Bags and metallic bark made by bags with bamboo handles

Metal bark made by bags and general bags with bamboo handles Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

“When a bag can last decades and tolerate any climate situation, I felt strongly about bringing some innovations and designs to bring more Apple designs and fastest,” the design process was long for more than three years and was a product designer friend, Krishna Varbad, with a product designer. “Lightweight style and ergonic handles were our top focus. When I chipped with the design, the brand works with a group of about 10 women who bags,” Shas, “Shas.

LDPE (low density polyethylene) is made from fiber and recyclable non-biodgradable plastic, learn clutch is especially made for Christmas season, mini handbags that come with metallic barks and bamboo handles and large size toots. In their latest collection, it contains bright blue knitted kudai totts with lemon, a bright yellow mine-themed bag and some for cats and panda lovers.

“Although we made woven bags with apple leather, we are now experimenting with coconut malai leather. Thanusia says.

Last year, Thanusia’s Not Bags were the University of Arts London Design Trade Show, selected by the top drawer and the opportunity to hold Thi stalls. “It was something that had never seen the UK before and the inspections there were fascinated by the range of the product IT field,” he says.

Nots bag @Notsbag is on Instagram. Bag prices are determined 500 overdues.


Kudai Kadai has a big heart of baskets … quite literally. Brand Cotton Totas come into a range of colors in the color, with a large heart motif woven on them. “It brings handles to different sizes and miscellaneous designs we we’ve made this heart first Kudice And the bags still remain in the eye box, “Lia Krishnaraj, the founder of this Chennai-Spyled brand, says.

Kudai Kadai's signature heart Tots

Kudai Kadai’s Signature Heart Tots | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

Liah CottonThe Tamil Nadu Police Museum in Agmor came in the bright color of the souvenir shop in Chennai, and decided to give an order for the bright colored bags woven as a return gift for his birthday in 2022. Currently work with about 35 women from multiple institutes for women in Dutta, who are trained to knit baskets and bags. Or after regular orders I started the mud, the orders were fixed, “he said.

An interior designer by profession, the Rainbow collection that Laya received for her birthday was kadai Kadai Kadai Kadai’s initiative, which he said that he had said that he had been able to get a hobby in an IDE. “The USP here is empowering women. They are delighted to see the orders they received,” he says.


Kadai Kadai’s cat basket | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

From the order of the kids CottonPeople go to school to buy Kudice For their mother and grandfather, Kadai Kadai customers across different ages. In addition to their hearts, Kudai Kadai is working with artists around the world in addition to Kudai Totes. “We want artists to add their own touch CottonWe’re made. While we are giving samples, iPad and laptop sleeves, I’m really interested in the pet beds we are working on, “added Lia.

Kadai Kadai is on Instagram in @Kodaikadai. Bag prices are determined 400 online.


Show him CottonSince starting his brand last year, S. S. Chennai’s Mirnalini V at several small fairs and big exhibitions across Chennai has said that he is Shinga

Bags for Wire Kadai are being handwaves

Bags are being handwished for wire mud Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

“A group of women in Tiruvanamyur are making CottonS is for the year now. When they work all things up to a cat basket for a livestock clinic in the city, starting from the laundry basket, I decided to work with them that they woven baskets, bags and “slings,” Salings, “Mironlini said.

She says wire is running the mud, who has opened her eyes to how many women are waiting for alternatives to show their skills. As a Empowerment Initiative, Mirnalini presses on fair wages for them Cotton He worked with craftsman’s college. “After I started posting about Kudice We were making on Instagram, a number of artisans across the state reacted and asked if they could knit the bag for us. I work with them in designs and we exchanging notes, YouTube videos and even Pinterest references, “he explains.

The brand contains fabric and chain straps and wooden hands

The brand has fabric and chain straps and wooden hands Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

In a short time, the wire mud has been varied and brings different designs. He started with colorful, wide kudies and knit tots, experience with sling bags of mironalini that brings fabric straps or chain handles, round handles with handles with handles, soft handbags with randbags, compact lunch Kudice It comes with flaps and it can be turned off, or the wooden handles and the smaller repetition of it CottonS with Sleepy handles S. which makes great return gifts or wedding favorite. Nostalgia is not limited to just in the bag; Mirnalini also made knit chairs that are in demand – like a round, comfortable chairs we sat as children.

“Woven bags are sight, easy to wash and most importantly unique. Cotton – These bags are now true now, “he added.

Wire Mudai is on Instagram in @warecadai. The bags of bags are $ 400 online.

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