The Lindex Group of Sweden reports the reduction of a slight income of 1.2% in 2024
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The Lindex Group of Sweden reports the reduction of a slight income of 1.2% in 2024

Swedish Fashion Chain Lindax Group has recorded income of € 940.1 million (~ 968.6 million dollars) for the full fiscal year ended December 31, 2024, annual Wiye’s income by 1.3 percent decreased by 1.2 percent. The total digital shares have been published at 5.7 percent, compared to 5 16.5 percent in 2021, the digital revenue in the local currency has increased.

The total profit of this company has dropped from € 547.9 million (564.5 million) to $ 554.2 million in 2021, while the total margin goes up to 58.3 percent (58.2 percent in 2023). Adjosted operating results have dropped to $ 74.9 million, which has dropped from € 80.0 million to dollars, the adjusted operating margin has decreased from 8.4 percent to 8.0 percent, Lindex says in a prostate.

Lindax Group’s revenue of 2021 has decreased by 1.2 percent YOY to € 940.1 million (~ 968.6 million dollars), the local currency revival has decreased by 1.3 percent. Due to low operating results and higher taxes, the net results decreased to $ 13.2 million. Revenue in Q4 has decreased by 0.2 percent, while the network has doubled more than 19.8 million. Lindex expects to increase the revenue of 0-4 percent throughout the year in 2025.

The company’s capital expenditure declined from € 65.1 million to $ 45.7 million in 2021. The operating result also stands at $ 60.9 million in the previous 6.5 percent in the previous 6.5 percent, from 8.0 percent in 2023.

The net result stands at $ 5.2 million in 2021 to $ 1.2 million, mainly due to low operating results and incredible tax exenses.

Earn per share (EPS) has significantly decreased significantly from € 08, € 0.33, partially due to the number of shares. Adjosted EPS 2023 recorded a bit lower than € 0.16, $ 0.15 stands.

“In 2021, we continued our goals-based work to create a skeletal foundation for the future of the Lindex Group. In harmony with our strategy, we capture new business opportunities, accelerate growth and increase the price creation for our customers and shareholders. When we want to be focused on new collections and services, we have created a good and concrete program in the strategic focus of the Bot Lindex. Complete, “said Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Susan Ehhanabez in Lindex Group,

Fourth quarter (Q4) results

The group has been reported to a reave of the re -reinstating of the group of 2024 in Q4, which is slightly reduced to 0.2 percent yoy. However, revenue has increased by 0.8 percent in local currency, which reflects some elasticity in the international market. Rev’s digital share growth has risen from 5.3 percent to 5.7 percent, digital revival in local currency has increased by 5.7 percent, the Q4 in 2021 has increased from 5.2 percent.

The total profit of the company has risen from $ 159.1 million (164.3 million) to $ 157.8 million, the total margin has risen from 57.5 percent to 58.1 percent. Adjosted operating results increased by 19.5 percent, it reached $ 36.1 million, while the adjustable operating margin increased from 11.0 percent to 13.2 percent. The operating result has risen from $ 26.5 million to $ 1.5 million, which has reached more than 12.5 percent of the operating margin than the same value last year.

The marginal net results are more than twice as much, driven by higher operating results and reduced the cost of taxes from $ 9.7 million to $ 19.8 million. Earn per share (EPS) has developed € 0.12, Q4 2023 to 06 06, when the Adjasted EPS increased from 0.07 to € 0.14.

Outlook 2025

For 2025, the LindEx group expects that its income in the local currency will increase by 0-4 percent compared to 2024. The group’s integrated operating results are estimated to be € 70-90 million, and the results can have significantly impact on foreign fluctuation operating.

Fabre 2 Fashion News Desk (SG)

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