The rise of the piclable in tennis players, the possibility of growth in Chennai’s sports industry, discover its accessibility, affordability and possibility
When Chennai’s leading club tennis player Vikram Sheeshi, Surj Viswanathan, G Rajesh and B Venkateshwar were seen in the November 2021, tennis was not discusing. Four of them in the final discussion about setting up Chennai Picklers by Sports Den, Porur’s art is a state of indoor piclable facilities that will be open to the public-A-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the-the
In recent years, a growing trend has arisen in the world of Racket Sports. Tennis players from professional to entertaining entertainers are doing growing business for pickball paddles on their tennis rackets. A public statistics are some of the 144 players listed on the Professional Picable Association Tours, among the 144 players of the tennis background.
Indian Tennis legend, Ramesh Krishna says, “Pickball is a new fad. There is tension around it and it is definitely on its way. There is good potential for the sport.” Chennai Club Circuit CEO Ram Sukumar agrees that Planis for 37 years. When he played, he was initially skeptical about the pickball. He added, “When the discus began 18 months ago to add a pickball court to our club, I think the sport is interesting but somewhat strange – the mixture of tennis and table tennis That Eye thirty was mostly forliestly forliestly.
Paliar are playing pickball at the EA mall in Chennai Photo Credit: Rabindran R
However, after playing regularly for the past 6 months, Ram says it has begun to grow on him. Although I will always be in the heart as a tennis purist in the heart, I have come to appreciate what happens to the picble: a game with low entry barrier, fun to play and pesticide accessible with forwards. Hand-I coordination like picbles is great for sports practice. “
Low physical impact
Tennis is a high-inward game that requires QIQ movement, rapid change in direction and explosive strength. Pickball, on the other hand, generally claims less physically, it makes it an interesting alternative for tennis players who want to reduce the effect on their body.
Serves the paddle
There are more than 5 million players around 5 countries around the world. The Global Picalball Market is expected to rise to $ 7.9 billion from $ 1.5 billion in 2021 to 2021. More than 5 people in India have played the game in 2021, and at that time there were 5 couples Thrupts Thrups. -40 to 50 new courts are being added to India every month. The number of Indians is playing between 2019 and 2022 159% of Indians is currently listed on the Professional Picolbal Association tour, about 90%, some of them have tennis backgrounds.
This 90% of Pro Picable Players who were Plenis, 18% ATP and WA TARS professionals and 47% was competitively competitive – some are going to win NCAAO
“For the past decades, we have seen many tennis friends of the Madras Club Tennis team,” We have seen many of our tennis friends that they have stopped the tennis game completely due to age or are easier than tennis, Picalbal also needs low grind at Cover. The
The current Davis Cup Player and India No.3, Ramkumar Ramnathan says that he has played pickball several times. He also added, “Touch and feeling are common reasons between two sports and I can see that many tennis players are involved with the picbal it is involved as a fun game.”
Accessibility and affordability
The accessibility and affordability of the picbal is also a big drawing for tennis players. Picolbal Courts are often easier and easier than tennis courts, because the Pickball Court does not require too much space and territory and cheap to set up. For space-seamless sites, this is a big advantage. Has played a huge role in the rapid adoption of inclusive and setup’s ease
The US Tennis Association has said that 10 percent of the court in the United States has been occupied or re -colored since the start of the Pickball Boom. For private clubs, Pickball creates commercial concepts as the same court that combines four pay customers for the double -tennis match, which can be engraved in the upstate El Court, which means that clubs can charge more players for the same real rent. What it takes to convert a court to a pickle from tennis is a few dabs of the paint.
Picable tools like paddlers and balls are less expensive than tennis equipment. , Photo Credit: Rabindran R
Now, there are more community centers, parks and retired community’s pickball courts, which make the players find the game easier. Extra, pellets like paddlers and balls are less expensive than tennis equipment.
Ram Sukumar says “Paddlers are a major cause of accessibility. Paddles are affordable to $ 30 (Rs 2700) to $ 300 (Rs. 27,000), and are easy to pick up the game for extensive coaching and training. All skill players can start playing right now , By comparing it to a socially, Pickle is physically claiming in the age groups. “
Several professional tennis players, Alridi, switched on the peakleble. Andrea Agassi, former World No. 1 has become a global ambassador for picable, which has begun a big way to the rest of India, China and Asia. Tennis legend John McNero, Stefi Graph, Andy Rodic, Michael Chang and Maria Sharapova have also gained knowledge among others.
Ramesh Krishna says, “All these players have been given a handsome payment to promote pickballs”.
Mukund Sasikumar, the current Indian Davis Cup Player and India No. 2 said, “Retired tennis legends have a lot of time and certainly want to be active with less physical than tennis. The features of both tennis and picables are quite Simler who believes that the body is the highest from the top, Both games are based and the hand of the hand is the eye combination. “
Ram Sukumar has added that this is not just a retired legend now. He says, “Even active tennis players like Jack Sak, Donald Young, Sam Kerry and Eugeny Boucard are embracing the picball. For them, entrance barriers are minimal, and a big drawing of superiority in the same sport. It is a natural fit, and that is why we are a lot Watching the paddle of the tennis professionals. “
Ram Sukumar says, “I can see a brilliant future for picable. In addition to the advanced-organized associations similar to tennis, the country will grow through the structural league and tournament. Creating a tiered system and a strong ranking process is the key to long-term success in both global and national success.
Since the ripplable is a relatively young game, there are plenty of rules innovation, happy, more fast, more strategic and designed to engage for players and fans. He also added, “An innovative format in the World Pick Ball League, ex -Indian tennis player Gaurav Natakar and Aarti Ponappa Natakar, recording among players and fans. The launch of 15 minutes of time -time matches confirms the games that are found in the audience friendly . ”
Picolbal is a relatively young game that is designed to invent lots of rules, the sport is designed to make sports faster, more strategic and attractive for players. Photo Credit: Rabindran R
“I hope Pickball and Tennis can complement each other,” Ramesh Krishna says that Pickballe can be the ideal starting point for young people who will then
Chennai Pickers 24 X7 will be open by Sports Den at Pallabaram Road in Kolabaram Road, and it will have a shop to equip three indoor picalball courts along. Call +91 98402 94518
Published – Feb 10, 2025 01:01 pm Ist